Beth Trissel is ‘The Next Big Thing’

AWarriorforChristmas_7288_300I’m not off to a great start. I forgot today was my day. But this tardy post is coming to you via my referrals from the fabulous Kathryn Knight at: Kathryn Knight Books And the wonderful Linda Banche and Her Historical Hilarity Plus anyone else who tagged me.

And now, I invite your rapt attention as I explore such fascinating questions as, What is the title of your book? My latest release is, appropriately for this time of year, A Warrior for Christmas!

Where did the idea come from for the book? Research into my early American Scots-Irish ancestors and their interactions and clashes with Native Americans. Oh, and Tarzan. No, seriously.

What genre does your book fall under? Historical Romance. Totally. I didn’t even sneak in a ghost.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?  Are there any fabulous enough. Hmmmm…

lovely young blond womanWhat is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

‘Will he remain with her or find the call of the wild irresistible?’  Or ‘ Can she expect Love from a man who longs to return to the wild?’ This is where the white warrior imagery enters in.

Where (or when) can we get your book?  Now. A Warrior for Christmas is available in various eBook formats at The Wild Rose Press,  Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nookbook & other online booksellers. Oh, and big news, the story is being made into an audio book! Stay tuned.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? Three months

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? A warrior for Christmas fits into my Native American Warrior series along with Through the Fire, Red Bird’s Song, The Bearwalker’s Daughter and Kira, Daughter of the Moon. I don’t know of any other authors writing historical romance set in the colonial American frontier, or colonial America with a hero recently returned from the frontier, so wouldn’t know who else to suggest.

Christmas decorationWhat else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? The heroine is deaf and the hero is a white warrior recently returned from frontier life with the Shawnee. And who doesn’t enjoy a rollicking good time with Colonial American Christmas festivities?

Blurb: Reclaimed by his wealthy uncle, former Shawnee captive Corwin Whitfield finds life with his adopted people at an end and reluctantly enters the social world of 1764. He plans to return to the colonial frontier at his first opportunity–until he meets Uncle Randolph’s ward, Dimity Scott.

Deaf since a childhood bout of Scarlet fever, Dimity Scott intends to be cherished for herself, not her guardian’s purse, even if it means risking spinsterhood. Then the rugged newcomer arrives, unlike any man she’s ever known. Dimity has learned to manage her silent world, but unaccustomed to the dangers of the frontier, can she expect love and marriage from Corwin, who longs to return to his Shawnee life?~

***The next stop on The next Big Thing (Monday the 24th) will be with the gracious and talented Mona Risk, either at her blog: or The Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writer’s

6 responses to “Beth Trissel is ‘The Next Big Thing’

  1. Sounds like a great read, Beth. You’ve certainly set up some challenges for your main characters! Good luck with sales and Happy Holidays! Rolynn


  2. Beth, as usual for you, a great story. Thanks for sharing with us.


  3. Looking forward to reading this one Beth. I am a little behind with the holidays on reading my books.
    Sue B


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