Tag Archives: perseverance

Inspiration from the Inky Dinky Spider

lavender in the garden

If you’re among those who insist on referring to said spider as ‘Itsy Bitsy’, so be it. I was raised singing The Inky Dinky Spider. But back to the point. Given the number of posts I’ve done centered around inspiration, it’s likely not a surprise to hear I’m experiencing some challenging times.  Being a spiritually minded individual, I’ve prayed hard. Last night, I told God if he had a sign for me, I was sorely in need, as I’d given up. This morning, I awoke singing, you guessed it, The Inky Dinky Spider.  I have no idea why. It’s not a favorite of the grandbabies, and been years since I sang it with my kids. As I pondered this seeming Divine response, I gleaned the deep wisdom in these simple lyrics.

garden in ray of sunshine

‘The inky dinky spider climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

And the inky dinky spider climbed up the spout again.’ (In order for that last bit to rhyme, you must pronounce again with a British accent).

So, the message of the Inky Dinky is this: troubles come, but the sun returns and we try again. And again.

I’m also a big fan of the beautiful song, The Impossible Dream, but will save that for another day.

tulips in the garden-April

*I couldn’t find an image of a spider, but there are many in our garden. The big Charlotte’s Web writing spiders are especially evident. They’re in here somewhere.

Images of our garden by daughter Elise Trissel

Fight the Good Fight–Beth Trissel

cowboy galloping on horse waving his hat“You are not finished when you lose, you are finished when you quit.”~quote from daughter Elise’s private basketball coach, Bobby, back in the day.

That wise man was full of inspiration not only for our struggling girls who needed all the help they could get, but also their long-suffering moms (and a few dads) looking on from the sidelines every Saturday morning for seemingly endless months. But they did end. Not the life lessons, though. Many times I have thought of Bobby’s encouragement and forged ahead with my own dreams, like writing novels and pursuing publication. Even now, when the going gets tough, I think back. In the end, basketball, like so much else, is a mind game. Success is all about believing. Don’t give up on anything or anyone you truly love.

Bobby also said, “When you are behinddon’t give up; when you are aheaddon’t let up.” He had a great selection of motivational quotes. Much needed and appreciated.

Here’s one I came across:
“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon…must inevitably come to pass!” ~ Paul J. Meyer