“Highlander Magick” in the Mystical Isle of Skye

Isle of skye Scenery

I’m delighted to have my good friend, Patty Taylor, with me to share her new Scottish time travel fantasy romance and the inspiration behind the story. Also, she’s giving away a $10.00 Amazon gift card to someone who leaves her a comment, to be chosen Friday evening. 

Patty: Good Morning! I’m excited to be here and wish to thank my dear friend, Beth, for inviting me back to her lovely blog. I’d also like to thank each of you for dropping by and helping us celebrate my début release of Mortal Magick, while I share some “Highlander Magick in the Mystical Isle of Skye”.

Patty's Mum

Many of you have sent me kind comments regarding the true love story between my beloved parents. My mother, Evelyn, was born and raised in Northern Ireland and served in the British Army during WWII where she met my Daddy, a US Sergeant. Her love, strength, and courage have always inspired me to pursue my dreams. I have her to thank for introducing me to the magical world of “The Chronicles of Narnia” by CS Lewis. Two years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit the statue of the enchanted wardrobe outside the Belfast Library.

To learn more about my Mum and see some photos of her beautiful homeland, please visit Beth’s original post with me: “The Magick of Ireland with Author Patty Taylor”. Beth and I had such fun that day. It was truly a memorable experience and one I will always treasure.

patty's parents in Ireland

(Photo of Patty’s parents taken in Ireland.)

And now, I’m thrilled to share my lovely cover for Mortal Magick, a paranormal/fantasy time travel romance set in the 18th century mystical Isle of Skye.

PT_MortalMagic Cover

Blurb:  When an immortal Highlander falls in love with a human witch, “Mortal Magick” soon casts a spell of its own.

Doomed for eternity to wander nights as half man and half creature, rugged Highlander, Duncan McCord, discovers his curse is the least of his problems when he sets out for a cure and rescues the beauty determined to help tame his beast. 

When a reluctant witch, Keara, gets whisked back to 18th century mystical Isle of Skye to learn lessons in magic, she faces the true test of love when she meets the man beyond her wildest dreams burdened with dark secrets from his past.  

Forced together to journey through an enchanted country filled with mythical creatures and magical lore, will they survive in a world where evil sorcery reigns, or will a shocking twist of fate tear them centuries apart?~

A wee excerpt from the story:

Duncan McCord wanted a woman. His entire body and soul hungered for a special lass’ touch. The one destined for his love, whom he would call kindred spirit. His stomach tightened, a pain ripping through him like the slice of a broadsword. This canna happen. Not now, not ever. Reality hastily slapped him back to his senses. He vowed never to be foolish enough to let himself fall into another vixen’s treacherous traps.

Dark, threatening clouds rolled over Scotland’s glorious mountain peaks in the distance. The muscles in his legs rippled, gripping both sides of his mount. His stallion, Goliath, snorted and stopped short in his tracks. His enormous hooves stomped the hard ground.~

One more snippet

Duncan lunged from the damp forest floor. His splayed hooves clip-clopped on top of a boulder. His nostrils flared from the irresistible lingering lavender scent. He cocked his head to the side, his keen hearing caught her every breath as each step she took brought her dangerously closer. “Aye, the damn fool-headed woman! She’s done wandered off again.”

He snarled at a shooting star plummeting to the ground. Like a bubbling cauldron of fire, it spit an outburst of flames across the moonlit sky. “Aye, the bonny wee lass is headed straight for a trap.” Clenching his fists, he veered back his head and wailed.~

Giant's Causeway(Giant’s Causeway)

Coming from a family of storytellers, I feel blessed in having both an Irish and Scottish heritage. When growing up, I was fortunate to hear tales of the wee people, the leprechauns, fairies of Ireland, the magical creatures and brownies of Scotland, the Brown Man of the Muirs, dragons, selkies, witches, and much more. Fascinated by these magnificent realms of magick, I couldn’t resist centering one of my stories in the enchanting Isle of Skye. I’ve been very fortunate to visit my family homes in both Northern Ireland and Scotland. I loved visiting the gorgeous Giant’s Causeway after hearing about the legend of the famous giant, Finn MacCool. 

The Fairy Pools(Fairy Pools)

The first time I saw photos of the gorgeous Fairy Pools, located southeast of the lovely Glen Brittle Forest, my imagination ran wild. I love mythical folklore and handsome Highlanders. After doing a bit more research on the enchanting Fairy Glens, the grand seal island, Dunvegan Castle, home of the famous Fairy Flag and Dunvegan Cup,  the fairy knolls and bridge, and the Quiraing, I soon decided this was the perfect “Beauty and the Beast” setting for my fantasy, Mortal Magick.

Scotland Heather(Scottish Heather)

Mystic Fairy Glen(Mystic Fairy Glen)

If you’re like me, you’ve got a soft spot in your heart for men wearin’ kilts! When I visited Scotland two years ago, oh my, it was a dream come true. Since I didn’t have the nerve to ask permission to take a few photos of some of the men wearing their kilts, I thought you might enjoy seeing several pics that were taken inside a tartan weaving shop located in Edinburgh. I was amazed how the styles have changed over the years.

Scottish Highlanders in kilts

men in kilts

I promised Beth I would share a bit about fairies and brownies, so this is the perfect time to introduce one of my favorite characters in Mortal Magick, the whimsical matchmaker known as “wee Darby”. Being part Irish Fairy and part Scottish Brownie, wee Darby is quite the unique character with his caterpillar eyebrows arched above a crooked pair of thick rimmed gold glasses, while ivy leaves sprout from a tousled mass of his bright carrot orange hair.

It didn’t take long to discover that, just like working with my clay and glass, the more details I added to this whimsical character, the more I found wee Darby worked his magick, and found a permanent spot in my heart. He soon became an important persona in the story, instead of simply a minor figure as originally planned. Since Darby is descended from the Brown Man of the Muirs, he inherited the love for animals and uses his special herbal cures, which he stores in unusual vials, tucked safely inside an old tattered coat. 

***A special Darby alert: watch for the image of wee Darby that will appear on my blog later this year, created by Beth’s artistic daughter, Elise Trissel.

Isle Skye WaterfallA few interesting facts about brownies, not to be confused with sprites, pixies, or fairies. Brownies are small featured and range between two and three feet tall. Most Scottish brownies prefer living next to streams and waterfalls, but will occasionally visit farmers after harvest season. They have shaggy hair, wear tattered clothes, and are hard workers. People are careful not to leave gifts of clothing, for fear of offending them. If irritated, brownies can become mischievous and turn into nasty boggarts. But they can be soothed. They have a sweet tooth for honey and enjoy a refreshing drink of milk. In Scotland, the people refer to them as “Bockie”, and in the Highlands, they are the Bodach (Budagh). 

 Fairy with dragonBrownies are also regarded as guardians of dragons. Darby, of course, admits to knowing a few. Since brownies are adept at hiding from humans, I wasn’t able to share a picture of these elusive beings. Instead, I found this image of a lovely fairy holding a wee dragon. In the upcoming sequel to Mortal Magick, Sea Wolf Magick, I have included a miniature dragon, Kalista, as one of the main characters.

I realize I haven’t touched on Keara and her feline familiar, Samson, today, and there’s much more to share, but I must save a wee bit for another time. Beth has graciously invited me back this fall after I return from visiting my family in Northern Ireland, and I will share more pictures then. I plan to do additional research for my new young adult, Irish fantasy trilogy while visiting the magical fairy Glens of Antrim, and will also take the official tour in Belfast, where CS Lewis lived. My cousin plans to take me to visit beautiful old Donegal for a few days, where she promises I’m in for a very special treat. 🙂  

 Dunvegan Castle(Dunvegan Castle)

A heartfelt thanks once again to my gracious host and dear friend, Beth Trissel, for having me here today, and to all of you who took the time to stop by to meet me and leave your comments. I hope you’ll enjoy reading Mortal Magick and would love to hear from you.

Quiraing; Trotternish; Isle of  SkyeBefore I forget, please mark your calendars for Friday, October 30th, when authors Lane McFarland and Mairi Norris will join Beth and me on Facebook, as we celebrate the evening of Mortal Magick’s official Samhain/Halloween weekend. Stay tuned for more details about dressing in costume for the occasion and bringing your pets. 

Also, stayed tuned for updates on Sea Wolf Magick–the sequel in the works. Get ready for two magical adventures: Journey across the Mystical Isle of Skye,  to the Enchanting land of Fire and Ice.

(Quiraing; Trotternish; Isle of Skye, pictured above)

Visit: Patty’s website and blog: http://www.pattytaylorauthor.com 

Patty’s Amazon author page:  http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00ZE65O0Q

Amazon Purchase Link for Mortal Magick

Follow Patty’s Facebook Author Page

About Patty: Writer of fantasy, paranormal romance set in various places located in Scotland’s mystical Isle of Skye, the magical Glens of Antrim, Northern Ireland and the secluded wilderness of Alaska. Where shape shifters, werewolves, fairies, brownies and mythical creatures come to life. Writing romance with a wee bit of magick from the heart.

Patty outside the oldest pub in Ireland1

(Image of Patty outside the oldest pub in Ireland)

***Fascinating post, Patty! All of it. I look forward to your return to the blog.

101 responses to ““Highlander Magick” in the Mystical Isle of Skye

  1. Good Morning Everyone! And thank you Beth, for having me here again today! I’m looking forward to meeting everyone 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. winonabennettcross

    I always enjoy Beth’s blog posts. But, this one became my favorite from the first sentence. Like the author I am Scot-Irish, all my life my dream has been to visit Scotland and Ireland. One day, perhaps next year. I believe in fairies and their cohorts. I loved the story and the photos. I will, obviously, be purchasing this book! And, by the way, to have Elise do a drawing is quite a compliment.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wonderful photos .Thank you for peek into your parents lives and your own as well. I love stories like these . Caught my attention right off the bat! My favorite things seem to be in this book. Curses, cures through true love, time travel and a hot looking guy, what more could a girl want! I have just purchased it and look forward to reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Terry Robertson

    Patty, first a big “THANK YOU” for writing Mortal Magick! Read your book and from start to finish – loved it ….. it was a read that was hard to put down once started. Anxious for Mortal Magick, Sea Wolf Magick to come out. With your writing style I believe that any of your future books will but nothing but successful. You have more than earned being on my list of favorite authors!! I also would like to thank your parents for telling you the stories as a child and encouraging your imagination that has help form you, the person and writer you are today. I know that they are smiling down on you today and always….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bless your heart, thank you Terry Robertson for leaving such a lovely comment. I sincerely appreciate it 😉 Yes, I believe both my parents will be looking down with smiles on their faces today.


  5. Pingback: “Highlander Magick” in the Mystical Isle of Skye | pattytaylorfantasyauthor

  6. I love your blog post. This story sounds wonderful! I also am Scot-Irish in my heritage. My youngest daughter keeps an eye out for fairies and keeps us posted on the happenings of things we can’t always see with our human eyes. I can’t wait to see the photos you take on your next adventure to Ireland! I’m looking forward to reading your book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Catherine. And Patty, this is my sister and the mother of darling Cailin that you so enjoy hearing stories about. You and Cailin both love fairies.


      • Oh yes, I hope to have the opportunity to meet Cailin one day! I am sooo happy to hear of her love for the wee fairies – this is something she will always treasure in her heart. It’s lovely to meet you Cailin.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning Catherine and thanks for stopping by this morning! I remember my Mum telling me about the wee fairies – and how I must be careful never to say one of their names out loud – fairies don’t like that. I am anxious to get back over to my beloved Mum’s home and share more photos of the beautiful Irish fairy Glens on my return. Thanks again for joining us 🙂


  7. What an awesome post, Patty! I loved reading about your mom and dad, and how your mom instilled your love for the magical world of fairies and brownies. I’m sure she is smiling at wee Darby. He is such a colorful character, and I can just picture him at the Fairy Pools. Can’t wait to see Elise’s drawing of him—I’ll definitely watch out for Darby alerts! Thank you for sharing a bit about Mortal Magick. It is a wonderful love story everyone will enjoy, and I’m looking forward to celebrating its release during our Halloween Facebook party. Take lots of pictures in Ireland, and be prepared to share them when you get back! :0)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good Morning Lane and thanks for stopping by and joining us 🙂 Yes, my Mum would love my wee Darby character – I hope people enjoy reading about him in Mortal Magick! He even helps start out the sequel, Sea Wolf Magick! I’m looking forward to sharing many photos with everyone and can’t wait for you to join us this fall 🙂


  9. I so enjoyed reading your post on Beth’s blog, Patty. My daughter is attending university in Northern Ireland in Derry. In fact, she’s in Antrim as I type this visiting friends, and her boyfriend is in Belfast. You are in for a treat when you visit Donegal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Josie! How wonderful about your daughter! Oh my, I love Antrim 🙂 I have never been to Donegal, and I am sooo excited for the opportunity to visit there! I’ve been told my imagination will run wild when I go there. thanks so very much again for dropping by today!


  10. What beautiful pictures and stories. Your parents lovevstiry sounds inspiring. Mortal Magik sounds very intriguing. I think I’m in love with the Fairy pools though. I could sit by that water for days and be inspired to write sonnets, poems, and daydreams. Thank you for sharing your travels, family, and your newest book with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Karla and thanks for stopping by! Yes, aren’t they gorgeous 🙂 When I first saw them, I knew I had to include them in my story 🙂 My Mum loved the water. She would talk about her one granddad – he was a sea captain. My Mum loved swimming – especially on holiday – and swimming with dolphins 🙂


  11. What a fun post! I loved the Isle of Skye and think it is the most magical place, the perfect setting for a story featuring love and magic. Wishing you lots of sales!


  12. Patty: I love what I have read so far. You will go far with your writing. I can’t wait to get my hands on an actual book. Love all the pictures especially the one of your mum. I know you miss her and she is your inspiration. Keep up the great work. Hope to see you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I just got an email from someone asking me about my spinning 🙂 My Mum started teaching me to knit when I was little 🙂 I remember running to grab my small basket with my knitting needles and lovely yarn to take with me wherever we went 🙂 To this day, I still haven’t successfully mastered the skill of crocheting, but I dabble at it when I get time. I love spinning my beloved Samoyed undercoat with alpaca and sheep.


    • Bless your heart, thank you Celia for stopping by and posting 🙂 And thank you for the lovely comment about my Mum. Yes, she was a lovely lady both inside and out. I know in my heart both her and my daddy are with me today – it’s drizzling a wee bit here this morning – to me, that’s a sign of happy tears from heaven 🙂


  14. Doris Hoffman

    Enjoyed looking at all your pictures and reading about your book. I wish you lots of success with the book and also books in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Congratulations on your release Patty!! I really enjoyed reading this post and your snippets from the book! I’m so excited for you!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Lovely pictures, Patty. I can’t wait to visit the Isle of Skye! Your excerpts are very intriguing and I love your cover. Congratulations! I’d say you’ve done your family (Scots and Irish) proud.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for those very kind comments, Ashley 🙂 They are greatly appreciated 🙂 I’m so glad you got a chance to stop by and enjoy the photos. Hope you can come back this fall when I get to share more 🙂


  17. Wonderful post. Congrats on your release. Really nice book cover. Sounds like a great book.
    Sue B

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Good Morning Sue! I’m delighted you could stop by 🙂 Thanks for commenting about my cover! I am thrilled with it 🙂


  19. Fascinating article, Patty. Loved the images. Yes, I can easily imagine the atmosphere: the isle of Skye was shrouded in mist on my only venture there, 17 years ago. Sadly, despite only living in Edinburgh, I’ve not made it back there so far.
    Wishing you much success with your books.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I loved Patty’s story. All if it. From mentioning her parents to the delectable details in her excerpt to the info on brownies, sprites , and pixies. I have always loved fantasy and this post was absolutely wonderful. Great job Patty!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I am so pleased you enjoyed the post 🙂 My wee Darby won my heart – and I know my Mum would have loved this magical character as well! Thanks for stopping by – and hope you can come back this fall when I share more photos 😉


  21. Good Morning Cathie and thank you for stopping by. So pleased you enjoyed the post and photos 🙂 Thank you for your very kind wishes, they are greatly appreciated. I hope you get back to visit the Isle of Skye soon 🙂 I left a huge piece of my heart over in my Mum’s homeland 🙂


  22. What a fascinating history you have Patty. I am an Irish girl who was adopted as a young child and I have very little knowledge of my ancestors, only a deep love of all things Irish and Scottish. I just love the pictures you post and search everyone for some feeling of recognition. Silly I know, but I just feel that my ancestors wandered those places and a piece of my heart lives there. Thanks for an excellent post and a glance at some strangely familiar places.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for sharing that, Jinny.
      I’m so glad you stopped by.


    • Thank you Jinny for stopping by and posting! I’m delighted you enjoyed the post 🙂 I know how hard it is to go back and search lost records of your heritage – I have my Mum’s birth certificate, discharge papers from the British Army, my grandparents names, address, etc. and still have difficulty finding more about other relatives – I was thrilled my first visit, as I got to walk where my Mum took my Daddy as they strolled along the beach 🙂


  23. A beautiful blog and a beautiful post! Best of luck with your new book, Patty.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. The pictures make me want to step into them and walk with the fae!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Well done, Patty! Wee Darby sounds adorable. Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I read your book yesterday, Patty, and I can’t wait for the sequel! 🙂 I loved all your characters! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. WOW! Great job Patty, I wanted to save it for vacation, however, it got the best of me knowing it was on my kindle. I started it, but with some unforseen personal issues, haven’t been able to continue. I will be reading on my drive to Myrtle Beach. Loved what I have read thus far and I am sure I will love the remainder. Wishing you great success.



    • Thanks for dropping by today Kathy! I’m delighted you like it so far – and hoping nothing serious with personal issues – but wonderful news that you’re going on vacation! Thanks for buying my book and can’t wait to hear what you think when you get finished 🙂


  28. I have this book on my wish list and cannot wait to get it. It sounds so good.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Beth Liveringhouse

    Hello, Your book sounds lovely and right up my alley. I haven’t read anything lately, but will be putting your book on my wish list and checking out your other books as well.

    Have a delightful day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Beth! and thanks for stopping by 🙂 Hope you enjoy reading Mortal Magick – and the rest of the “Highlander Magick” series 🙂 You have a wonderful day as well! Please stop back this fall 🙂


  30. i read early this morning! but had vbs practice…lovely post! i join the aboves in Scottish heritage: my grandmother born in inverness and i want to go! didn’t hear all you did; she was red haired and in her last years it came out that it was bad, cursed, evil…i don’t think the family treated her well. i’m guessing. your fairy pools remind me of the recent Maleficent! truly inspiring setting, captivating the imagination. well done Patty and congrats and hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello Karla 🙂 and thanks for stopping by! My Mum was a red head, and I remember her telling me she had to be the last to walk both in and out of the house at one of her relatives (because of the superstitions) My Mum was extremely superstitious – and of course I get it honestly 🙂 Thank you so very much for sharing my day with Beth and I 🙂 ((Hugs))

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Hi Patty K – congratulations on your Mortal Majick. I really like the pictures and can’t wait to read the entire story. Thanks for having me in your circle of friends and I know this book will be a success and also the ones to come. A beautiful blog with all the trappings of Ireland. Hugs and Luv ya

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for dropping by Debby! So pleased that you could share this magical event with me and Beth today! I feel very blessed 🙂 Hope you enjoy the story! Hugs and Luv coming back right at you!


  32. This sounds like a wonderful read and I absolutely LOVE the cover. Gorgeous! 🙂

    Wishing you much success always.
    Sky Purington

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Sky! I love that name 🙂 Thank you! I know, I squealed the first time I saw it, my beloved Michael almost toppled over in his chair, and then I was immediately on the phone calling Beth 🙂 I am thrilled with it! Thanks for commenting and stopping by 🙂


  33. Hi Patty,
    This is Beth’s mother here. It looks like you had a very successful day! Your stories sound most intriguing and I hope to read them some day soon. Hope your trip back to Ireland goes well. I’m very envious! I’ve picked out weekend trips in Scotland and Ireland that will take around three years to finish if I should ever get the opportunity to go!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning Mrs. Churchman 🙂 It is a pleasure to meet you and thank you so very much for stopping by! Thank you for your very kind words and well wishes 🙂 I pray you get the opportunity to visit either place, it is definitely worth waiting for – a trip you will always remember, but be prepared 🙂 You will be leaving a wee bit of your heart behind, like I have. Thanks sooo very much again for commenting, and I feel very blessed to be able to call your wonderful daughter, my friend! Have a wonderful day Mrs. Churchman and I look forward to meeting you one day!


  34. Hi Patty, Beautiful blog post!! Love the pics 🙂 I’m looking forward to drawing Wee Darby. Best of luck with the new book!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Elise! I know you will do a wonderful job with my wee Darby 🙂 He’s definitely the whimsical character – can’t wait to share with everyone 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for the best wishes 🙂


  35. Stunning photographs – I’m having severe travel envy just seeing all of those beautiful spots. I enjoyed reading about your parents, and about your latest release. I love time travel stories!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Margaret! Thanks for stopping by and posting! Even though I have always lived in the States, my heart still longs to be in my Mum’s home land 🙂 And thank you! I hope you will enjoy reading it 🙂 Please let me know what you think of the book, and stop back this fall to see more pictures 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  36. Fascinating post, Patty and Beth!! I loved reading it and seeing all the photos. Scotland and Ireland are such beautiful, magical countries. Wonderful excerpts too!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Vonda! Thank you so very much for stopping by and commenting 🙂 I am delighted you enjoyed the blog and photos 🙂 Hope you can return in the fall when I share more photos of the magical Fairy Glens and Donegal 🙂 Thanks again!


  37. I wish to thank my gracious host, Beth Trissel for having me back at her lovely blog today 🙂 We had a wonderful time! I’m looking forward to returning this fall when I get back from visiting my family 🙂
    Please don’t forget – Beth and I will be drawing the name of the winner of the $10.00 amazon gift card tomorrow evening at 8 pm Eastern standard time and announcing your name here 🙂 This will give others a chance to leave their posts tomorrow that couldn’t make it today 🙂 And a huge thank you to all of you!!!! for helping to share the celebration of my debut release with me! I will treasure this day always 🙂 Patty


  38. I love this post, Patty. I am eager to read this book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by Caroline 🙂 I appreciate it 🙂 Can’t wait to hear what you think of Mortal Magick! and delighted you loved the post 🙂 Beth always does a lovely job with her posts, definitely a labor of love 🙂


  39. Love the pictures. Can’t wait to read the book. Best of luck on your first book release. Love ya


  40. I enjoyed the post 😉 Beautiful pics and great excerpt.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Sounds like you guys had a great time today, sorry I missed it! Your book sounds good Patty, can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Stacey! I’m delighted you stopped by 🙂 Beth keeps her lovely posts up on her blog site, so you are more than welcome to come back anytime and look at them 🙂 I’m anxious to hear what you think of the book 🙂


  42. love the pictures and love finding new authors looking forward to read your book

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning Brenda and thank you for stopping by! I’m delighted you enjoyed the photos and hope you enjoy my characters! I would love to hear what you think of it when you’re finished 🙂


  43. Cindy & Chris M.

    Congratulations Patty on your new book! We wish you all the success you deserve!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning Cindy and Chris! Thank you both for stopping by and commenting 🙂 I sincerely appreciate your support and well wishes! I hope you enjoy reading my debut novel, and will join us back here again this fall when I return from visiting my family, and will be sharing more photos of the lovely Fairy Glens of Antrim and Donegal 🙂


  44. A wonderful blog and fabulous photos. Love the cover, too!


    • Good Morning Mary! Thank you so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the blog and pictures 🙂 I am sooo thrilled with my debut cover! I can’t stop staring at it – I’m so excited 🙂 Thanks again, Mary and hope you will join us again this fall 🙂


  45. Ok, I now have 8pm Eastern standard time here at my house 🙂 Time to announce the winner of the Amazon gift card! And thank you to “everyone” that posted here on Beth’s lovely blog and also on the FB event page 🙂 Ok, the winner is ………. Jinny KB 🙂 Congratulations Jinny!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Congrats Jinny! And thanks to all who stopped by and left such nice comments.


    • I am so tickled to have won the card, but even more tickled to have made a new friend here! I am so looking forward to reading your books Patty and learning more of your history! Thanks so much for such a happy start to my day! And Beth, you know I love your books and read all your blogs! So many wonderful thoughts and historical facts. I know I must have lived another life in some fabulous castle, and as I have always said, I was either a duchess or a tavern wench! I bet the wench had more fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  46. Laurie Landis

    The book sounds delightful, cannot wait to read it. Two of my favorite places Ireland and Scotland I also dream of visiting one day soon. Thank you Beth and Patty.


    • Thank you Laurie for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog post and hope you will return when I come back again this fall 🙂 Hope you enjoy reading Mortal Magick! Would love to hear what you think of it 🙂


  47. I can’t wait to read the new book!


  48. Hi Patty! Love hearing about yout mom and dad. I was stationed in England for 5 years and was lucky enough to travel extensively around the UK. I will admit I never paid a lot of attention to the magical places but will do so on my next visit across the pond. best wishes with your book!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by and commenting Angelina! And I’m glad you enjoyed reading about my Mum and Daddy 🙂 I miss them both, but always carry them in my heart. I have family that lives in England, but have not gotten the opportunity to visit there. I hope you will get the opportunity to stop by Beth’s lovely blog again this fall, when I return from Northern Ireland and post photos from the magical fairy Glens of Antrim with everyone 🙂 Thanks again for stopping by and for the best wishes 🙂


  49. pandamagick017

    Reblogged this on Patty Taylor Author.


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