Tag Archives: Vizzini

“You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.” ~Miracle Max–Beth Trissel


Big fan of The Princess Bride here, so I figure it’s time for a look back.

Westley: Hear this now: I will always come for you.

Buttercup: But how can you be sure?

Westley: This is true love – you think this happens every day?


The Princess BrideButtercup: We’ll never survive.

Westley: Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has.~

[In the boat in the morning]

Inigo Montoya: He’s right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.


fezzik-and-inigoInigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Count Rugen: Stop saying that!


Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can *fuss*.

Fezzik: Fuss, fuss… I think he like to scream at *us*.

Inigo Montoya: Probably he means no *harm*.

Fezzik: He’s really very short on *charm*.

Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme.

Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time.

Vizzini: Enough of that.

Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?

Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.

Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.

Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?



The man in blackInigo Montoya: I donna suppose you could speed things up?

Man in Black: If you’re in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or a tree branch or find something useful to do.

Inigo Montoya: I could do that. I have some rope up here, but I do not think you would accept my help, since I am only waiting around to kill you.

Man in Black: That does put a damper on our relationship.~

Inigo Montoya: I do not mean to pry, but you don’t by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?

Man in Black: Do you always begin conversations this way?~


InigoFezzik: Inigo?

Inigo Montoya: What?

Fezzik: I hope we win~

Buttercup: You can’t hurt me. Westley and I are joined by the bonds of love. And you cannot track that, not with a thousand bloodhounds, and you cannot break it, not with a thousand swords.~

[after Westley rescues her from the lightning quicksand]

Buttercup: We’ll never succeed. We may as well die here.

Westley: No, no. We have already succeeded. I mean, what are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp? One, the flame spurt – no problem. There’s a popping sound preceding each; we can avoid that. Two, the lightning sand, which you were clever enough to discover what that looks like, so in the future we can avoid that too.

Buttercup: Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.’s?

Westley: Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.

[Immediately, an R.O.U.S. attacks him]


Westley and ButtercupWestley: Can you move at all?

Buttercup: Move? You’re alive. If you want I can fly.

Grandpa: Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind. The End.

“You have a great gift for rhyme.” ~Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

kitten asleep on booksI love great quotes, and many of the snippets I choose are taken from poetry or the classics.  Winnie the Pooh says: “Poetry and Hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you.”

An infinitely wise thought to ponder.

Not all poetry rhymes, of course. However, Inigo Montoya and Fezzik love a good rhyme.

One of my favorites from The Princess Bride:

Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can *fuss*.

Fezzik: Fuss, fuss… I think he like to scream at *us*.

fezzik-and-inigoInigo Montoya: Probably he means no *harm*.

Fezzik: He’s really very short on *charm*. 

Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme. 

Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time. 

Vizzini: Enough of that. 

Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? 

Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead. 

Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it. 

Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut? 


Old-BooksThere are many different kinds of poetry. Author Ken Myers has come up with fifteen on his blog: Big List of Different Types of Poems

Who knew?  I will leave you with a favorite quote from Lewis Carroll

‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things; of shoes and ships-and sealing wax-of cabbages and kings.’